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Manga Review: One Piece Volume 43


In One Piece, Volume 43, the main fight between the Straw Hats and the CP9 is heating up. With two more members of the CP9, following Blueno, taken out in the last volume, the Straw Hats are continuing their respective fights to gain the keys needed to free Nico Robin and Franky.

As everyone in Water Seven begins the frantic evacuation due to the Buster Call being initiated, Luffy races to save Robin before Spandam takes her away but gets stopped by Rob Lucci – meanwhile, the fight between Zoro and Kaku (who has the power to turn into a giraffe man thanks to the Devil Fruit granted to him) continues. Even though Kaku just consumed the fruit two volumes ago, he is showing that he knows how to fight and that Zoro can't afford to take him lightly. As the fight continues on, we jump to Nami's fight with Kalifa – the Devil Fruit she ate was the Bubble-Bubble Fruit. This grants Kalifa the ability to "clean" anything that she uses her ability on. As an attack used on a person named Golden Bubbles, it will turn them into an incredibly slippery and deformed version of themselves, effectively “cleaning” the strength of the opponent. It is also during this fight that we see Nami's growth as a fighter thanks to the use of her Climate Baton weapon and the powers it grants her.


 Unfortunately, due to the events of the last volume, Chopper is rampaging across Ennis Lobby and nearly unstoppable, but thanks to some quick thinking by Nami and Franky the threat is neutralized.  With Sanji cured of the Golden Bubbles attack, he goes to back up Sniper King during his fight with Jabra and his powers of the Dog-Dog Fruit Wolf Model. The battle heats up as Sanji make his stand against the trickster and the whole volume comes to an exciting conclusion as Spandam rushes Nico Robin to the Gates but is stopped by Franky.

This is a volume that I have been waiting to read. The fights were goofy and exciting. I especially loved seeing Kaku's Devil Fruit in action, mainly because I was curious as to what it was and how it would be used in a fight. Just seeing the a guy can gain an ability to turn into a giraffe and use that form to effectively fight was a humorous touch that I never would have thought of. Aside from using the giraffe form to attack with his neck, Kaku is able to do other things that would require serious thinking outside of the box.

Another amusing part was during Nami and Kalifa's fight. A lot of the humor was from Kalifa assuming that Nami had turned into the monstrous Chopper. Even seeing Nami using new abilities with her weapon had a funny charm to it, mainly from how she looked while using the ability. I really can't wait to see the next volume and what happens as this story arc wraps up.

ComicsOnline gives One Piece, Volume 43 3 keys out of 5

 You can buy One Piece, Volume 43 at now!

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